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Please join us for our 94th Annual meeting on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 12:30pm. The meeting will be held at 1828 N Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN in the 2nd floor meeting room. The N Meridian St office will be closed temporarily during our meeting.

Hoosier United Credit Union became a state chartered credit union on May 26, 1931. We were originally chartered as Farm Bureau Employees Credit Union. The name came from our original membership group of Indiana Farm Bureau Employees. In the 1980’s we changed our name to Hoosier Farm Bureau Credit Union after a credit union merger that allowed us to serve more people. In March 2013 we merged IKIBEW Federal Credit Union. This added the IBEW Local 481 Members, Brothers and Sisters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, to the HUCU Family. Then in July 2022 we merged SMW Federal Credit Union. This added the SMART Local 20 Members, the Brothers and Sisters of the SMART, to the HUCU Family too!

We strive to meet the credit union standard of "Members helping Members", and have been doing so for almost 90 years. We truly believe in helping our members, and getting to know them individually. Each individual’s financial situation is unique, and by knowing that we strive to helping our members and community understand credit and how to save. As a smaller credit union we are able to accomplish goals and succeed because of the support and commitment of our membership and our community. 

Mission Statement

"Hoosier United Credit Union exists to provide personal financial services to our member/owners at competitive rates and terms, while dedicated to long-term financial stability"

Vision Statement

"To become our members' first choice for financial services"


  • Holiday/Office Closing Schedule

    We will be closed for the following upcoming Holidays:

    • January 1, 2026: Closed for New Years Day
    • January 20, 2025: Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    • May 26, 2025: Closed for Memorial Day
    • July 4, 2025: Closed for Independence Day
    • September 1, 2025: Closed for Labor Day
    • November 27-28, 2025: Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
    • December 25, 2025: Closed for Christmas Day
  • Indiana Credit Union League Partnership

    Indiana Credit Union League Logo


    • HUCU is a member of the Indiana Credit Union League, or ICUL
    • The ICUL is a trade association representing 90% of Indiana's credit unions!
    • They allow cooperation and collaboration between Indiana's credit unions, and allow idea and resource sharing to be maximized.
    • For more details, visit ICUL Online.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q: How do I apply for a savings account?

    A: Click here to apply, then follow the instructions.

    Q: How do I sign up for online banking?

    A: Click "Login" on our home page to access ItsMe247, and then enter your account number and select first time user. 

    Q: How long will it take to open a new account?

    A: If you open an account in the office, it will take about 15 minutes. Opening an account online can take 1-2 business days, if the application was sent in after business hours and the documents needed are not sent in as well.

    Q: What paperwork do I need to open a new account?

    A: You will need copy of two types of Photo ID for all owners / signers

    • One Photo: Drivers License, State ID, Work ID, Military ID (Cannot Copy Military)
      • If Photo ID issued within last 90 days, 2nd photo ID required
    • Second ID: Pay Stub, SSN Card, Birth Certificate, Utility Bill
      • One must be government issue
      • If address on documents provided differ from address listed on membership card we will need documentation for proof of current address (like a new utility bill, etc)
  • Privacy Policy

    What does Hoosier United Credit Union or HUCU do with Your Information?

    Financial companies choose how they share Your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires Us to tell You how We collect, share, and protect Your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what We do.

    The types of personal information We collect and share depend on the product or service You have with Us.This information can include:

    • Social Security number and income
    • transaction or loss history and credit history
    • account balances and payment history

    When You are no longer Our member, We continue to share Your information as described in this notice.

    All financial companies need to share customers' personal information to run their everyday business. In thesection below, We list the reasons financial companies can share their customers' personal information, the reasons Hoosier United Credit Union chooses to share; and whether You can limit this sharing.

    Reasons We can share Your personal information:

    • For Our everyday business purposes - such as to process Your transactions, maintain Your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus
      Does the credit union share?  YES
      Can You limit this sharing?  NO

    • For Our markteing purposes- to offer Our products and services to You
      Does the credit union share?  YES
      Can You limit this sharing?  NO

    • For joint marketing with other financial companies
      Does the credit union share?  YES
      Can You limit this sharing?  NO

    • For Our affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about Your transactions and experiences
      Does the credit union share?  NO
      Can You limit this sharing?  We don't share

    • For Our affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about Your creditworthiness
      Does the credit union share?  NO
      Can You limit this sharing?  We don't share

    • For non-affiliates to market to You
      Does the credit union share?  NO
      Can You limit this sharing?  We don't share

    Call Us at (317) 923-4747 or visit Us online at

    What We do

    • How does Hoosier United Credit Union protect my personal information?
      To protect Your personal information from unauthorized access and use, We use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.
    • How does Hoosier United Credit Union collect my personal information?
      We collect Your personal information, for example, when You
      - open an account or apply for a loan
      - give us Your wage statements or give Us Your contact information
      - make deposits or withdrawals from Your Account
      We also collect Your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.
    • Why can't I limit all sharing?
      Federal law gives You the right to limit only
      - Sharing for affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about Your
      credit worthiness
      - Affiliates from using Your information to market to You
      - Sharing for non-affiliates to market to You
      State laws and individual companies may give You additional rights to limit sharing.


    • Affiliates
      Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial
      and non-financial companies. Hoosier United Credit Union has no affiliates.
    • Non-Affiliates
      Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies. Hoosier United Credit Union does not share with non-affiliates so they
      can market to You.
    • Joint Marketing
      A formal agreement between non-affiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to You. Our joint marketing partners include insurance companies, union halls, and credit card companies.
Office Locations

We are located in Downtown Indianapolis, within the IBEW 481 Union Building, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Building, and SMW Local 20 Building!

1828 N Meridian Street, Suite 102 (IBEW Local 481)
Indianapolis, IN 46202

225 South East Street, Suite 270 (Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance) 
Indianapolis, IN 46202

2828 E 45th Street (SMART Local 20)
Indianapolis, IN 46205


Meridian Street: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:30 pm (open until 6pm on the first Business Wednesday of the month)
East Street: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
45th Street: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
View our Holiday Schedule for Closings

Nationwide Shared Branches

Need access to your account when we are closed? Would you like to be able to access your account closer to home?

Visit Credit Union Service Center online for locations and hours!

Visit Co-Op for locations and hours HERE

Nationwide ATM Locations

Want to get funds from your account at an ATM, but hate paying sur-charge fees? You don't have to, check out one of the links below and find sur-charge FREE ATM machines!

Co-Op Network
Alliance One Network


Ready to Become more than just a Number?

Personal Service, Variety of Account Types, Loans to Meet your Financial Needs

Sign Up

Follow Us:        

Get in Touch

1828 N Meridian Street, Suite 102
(IBEW Local 481)
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Hours: M-F 10 am - 4:30 pm

225 South East Street, Suite 270
(Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance) 
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Hours: Tues-Thurs 9 am-1 pm

2828 E 45th Street
(SMW Local 20)
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Hours: M-F 10 am - 4:30 pm

Phone: 317-923-4747
Fax: 317-923-4830

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